

Kansas City Attic Fans – New Website & 1st Year Anniversary

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I am happy to announce that our new website for Kansas City Attic Fans is up and running.  I hope you will find this as a good source of information whether you are homeowner possibly interested in an attic fan/whole house fan or you are a homebuilder and need a solid sub-contractor to install attic fans for you.  Our website we developed by Phil Singleton and staff with Kansas City Website and Design aka Kansas City SEO,  Phil and I have known each other for many years including website development & SEO work for Gordon Energy & Drainage.  He did excellent work then and has done excellent work once again.  I am already near the top of the rankings for most relevant keywords.  Thank you Phil and Andy!

As we approach the anniversary of our first year in business, I wanted to say that it has gone quite well.  Of course it initially took a lot of time getting everything in order and running smoothly.  Now that most of the upfront pains are behind us I am working towards maintaining and slowly growing the business.  However I will continue to look for innovative ideas that could give us a better product or service.  In October 2013 when I took over the attic fan business from Gordon Energy & Drainage, most important to me was for our level of customer service to stay the same or better than our customers & homebuilders experienced with Gordon Energy.  I do feel that this goal has been accomplished.  Having Kevin Edwards as my main installer is a key component to our success.  He had years and years of attic fan installation experience while at Gordon Energy.  At KC Attic Fans, Kevin and I closely communicate and share ideas to continually make our business or installations processes better or more efficient.  We are looking forward to a great 2015 and beyond.


Thank you,
Austin Siemens

Why Use A Triangle Attic Fan

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Kansas City Attic Fans installs the Triangle Engineering Comfort Cooler Whole House Attic Fan.The Triangle fans are top of the line attic fans, sometimes called the Cadillac’s of attic fans.

Consider this a long term investment in your house that should be expected to last over 30 years. They are not the cheaply constructed, foreign made, noisy & low performing types that are available at big box stores. One of the biggest complaints with attic fans is the noise level. Triangle addressed this problem by making their fan belt driven, engineering their fan with solid heavy gauge materials and constructing their shutters with similar attention to detail utilizing aluminum material as opposed to plastic that is know the rattle.

There are many other reasons why Triangle is better than the competition, but the bottom line is that you are getting a longer lasting and higher quality, made in the USA product with a Triangle fan.